White Tea & Sage IFRA


                                                                                                                                             IFRA STANDARDS CONFORMTIY CERTIFICATE


PRODUCT NAME: White Tea & Sage
COMPANY: California Candle Supply
  835 E Route 66
  Glendora, CA 91740


We Certify that the above compound is in compliance with the standards of the INTERNATIONAL FRAGRANCE ASSOCIATION (IFRA) , up to and including then 50th Amendment to the IFRA Standards(June,2021), provided it is used in the following category(ies) at a maximum concentration level of: 

 IFRA CATEGORY                                                                                                                                              



Category 1 - Lip Products/Toys 5.34 %
Category 2 - Deodorant/Antiperspirant/Body Spray/Body Mist 14.33 %
Category 3 - Eye Products/Make-up/Facial Treatment Masks 2.49 %
Category 4 - Perfume/Solid Perfume/Fragranced Bracelets 100.00 %
Category 5A - Body Creams/Leave-on Body Products 24.95 %
Category 5B - Face Creams/Beard Oil/Leave-on Face Products 4.93 %
Category 5C - Hand Creams/Hand Sanitizers/Leave on Hand Products 4.93 %
Category 5D - Baby Creams/Baby Oils/Baby Products 1.66 %
Category 6 - Mouthwash/Toothpaste/Breath Spray NOT ALLOWED
Category 7A - Rinse off Hair Treatments 4.93 %
Category 7B - Leave on Hair Treatments; 4.93 %
Category 8 - Intimate Wipes/Baby Wipes 1.66 %
Category 9 - Rinse Off and Bathwater Products/Soap/Shampoo 9.60 %
Category 10A - Household Cleaning Products/Reed Diffusers 9.60 %
Category 10B - Air Freshener Sprays 39.66 %
Category 11A - Diapers 1.66 %
Category 11B - Scented Clothing 1.66 %
Category 12 - Candles/Incense/Air Freshening Crystals, Liquids, Solids 100.00 %


It is the responsibility of our customers to ensure the safety of the final product containing the fragrance oil by conducting thorough testing. The IFRA standards are based on safety assessments by the Panel of Experts of the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM) and are enforced by the IFRA Scientific Committee